- Builtin types:
- Zero value: all variables are initialized with zero values if no value is assigned
- Literals:
- Integer literals: numbers
- by default base 10, could also be other bases 0b-binary, 0o-octal, 0x-hexadecimal.
- _ can be used to break down for better readability
- floating point literals:
- decimal point
- e for exponent
- hexadecimal too with 0x prefix and p to indicate exponent
- rune literals:
- characters with single quotes
- String literals
- double quotes
- backticks
`Greetings and "Salutations"`
- Integer literals: numbers
- Booleans
- Numeric Types:
- 12 types
- 3 categories
- Integer types:
- int8, int16, int32, int64
- uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
- byte is uint8
- int on 32 bit machine is 32 bit and 64 bit on a 64 bit machine
- Floating point type:
- float32, float64