The following are the common Android partitions that exists as of android 13:

  • boot
  • init_boot (Introduced in Android 13)
  • system
  • odm
  • odm_dlkm
  • recovery
  • cache
  • misc
  • userdata
  • metadata
  • vendor
  • vendor_dlkm
  • radio
  • tos


  • Prior to Android 10, the boot image used to contain the ramdisk which used to be mounted as the rootfs.
  • The boot image only contains the GKI kernel now.
  • All device specific parts of the kernel are now separated out of the kernel and moved to vendor_boot.img.
  • The image header version is 3 for such arrangement. (Only supported from Android 11).


  • Dynamic partitions are a userspace partitioning system for Android. Using this partitioning system, you can create, resize, or destroy partitions during over-the-air (OTA) updates.
  • With dynamic partitions, vendors no longer have to worry about the individual sizes of partitions such as systemvendor, and product. Instead, the device allocates a super partition, and sub-partitions can be sized dynamically within it.
  • Individual partition images no longer have to leave empty space for future OTAs. Instead, the remaining free space in super is available for all dynamic partitions.