• All packets are sent over UDP
  • connection starts with a handshake where ephemeral keys are generated that are used to encrypt data packets
  • these keys are rotated every few minutes to provide perfect forward secrecy
  • Uses Noise handshake protocol
  • WireGuard associates tunnel IP addresses with public keys and remote endpoints. When the interface sends a packet to a peer, it does the following:
    • This packet is meant for Which peer is that? Let me look… Okay, it’s for peer ABCDEFGH. (Or if it’s not for any configured peer, drop the packet.)
    • Encrypt entire IP packet using peer ABCDEFGH’s public key.
    • What is the remote endpoint of peer ABCDEFGH? Let me look… Okay, the endpoint is UDP port 53133 on host
    • Send encrypted bytes from step 2 over the Internet to using UDP.
  • When the interface receives a packet, this happens:
    • I just got a packet from UDP port 7361 on host Let’s decrypt it!
    • It decrypted and authenticated properly for peer LMNOPQRS. Okay, let’s remember that peer LMNOPQRS’s most recent Internet endpoint is using UDP.
    • Once decrypted, the plain-text packet is from Is peer LMNOPQRS allowed to be sending us packets as
    • If so, accept the packet on the interface. If not, drop it.